

Author Name: Melis Şebnem SÜKAN
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Original Language of Thesis: Turkish
Name of Thesis: An analysis of factors and strategies that result in sustained success for a select group of restaurants in Istanbul
Institute: İstanbul Gelişim University Graduate Institute
Department: Gastronomy
Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Thesis Date: 10.07.2023
Number of Pages: 97
Thesis Advisor: Faculty Member Dr. Nevruz Berna TATLISU
Index Terms: Restaurant Success Factors, Restaurant Management, Restaurant Management Principles, Istanbul Restaurants, Chef Restaurants
Translated into English by: Hünkar Özyaşar

Every day, new food and beverage establishments are starting their operations; however, many of them are closing down for various reasons. The closure of these businesses leads to resource waste, unemployment, environmental disorder, commercial imbalance, unsustainable activities and operations, and loss of motivation. The main reasons for the failure of these closed businesses are the lack of knowledge among business owners and industry employees
about what matters most to their target customers and an unawareness of the essential factors and strategies needed for success.

Therefore, there is a need to examine the factors and strategies that lead to sustainable success for restaurant businesses. For this purpose, the research aims to identify the success criteria that make selected restaurants in Istanbul sustainable. This will enable new restaurants as well as those that will attract additional investments, to benefit from this knowledge. Conscious investments in the Food & Beverage sector will contribute to the achievement of businesses’ goals.

Distribution List:
1. İstanbul Gelişim University Postgraduate Education Institute
2. Council of Higher Education (YÖK) National Thesis Center
Melis Şebnem SÜKAN
